It's been a week since I posted the first directfeed thread, where I pretty much posted a summary of the things I perceived from the Korean community. Some people were fairly upset at what I did. Some people questioned the credibility of my posts and the very sources. Some people welcomed "reality" posts. Some people were just happy at any kind of new info about Aion. Unfortunately, last one ended with flaming replies. However, I feel that following the progress of this game is something important to a lot of people here, so I'll continue translating.
-职业平衡问题 Class balancing issues
Rangers lacking in damage, summoners fail, melees getting destroyed by ranged classes, etc. Doesn't matter how hard you try to call the korean players noobs, it's a widely accepted fact in the Korean community that class balance is broken.
- BUG和漏洞 Bugs and Exploits
跳跃射击bug,宏漏洞,近战职业对移动目标的无奈Jumpshot bugs, macro exploits, inability for melees to use skill on a moving enemy
- 水果Bots
Beep.. Beep..
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As many people here are aware, Korean retail 'beta testers' (as they call themselves) have been whining and QQing loudly all day all week. Some were ignored. Some were answered.
这里是NCsoft本周所做的回应And here's what NCsoft have done this week
1.职业平衡更新 Class balance patches
- Cries of Sorc OPness were answered by nerfing the hit rate for hellfire. While some people claim that their CC land rate was also patched without announcement, its debatable if it actually happened or not. A lvl 45 mage, 하늘나라 responded to this patch with another one of his famous Abyss pvp videos, proving that sorcerers were still as strong as they can be.
- Rangers received a slight attack speed increase. However, most perceived this patch as something of an insult to ranger players. It's apparent that slight boost didn't mean anything for most. Just few days after the patch, a mass spam thread protest broke out in the Ranger forums, lasting for several hours.
在长达8个月的哭诉后,精灵星依然无法在空中战斗。- Summons still cannot fly even after 8 months of player complaint.
治疗仇恨得到了削减。但是否解决了问题尚无法得知,因为本周治愈星依然是队伍中天使姐姐的最大客户- Heal aggros lessened. However, if this made a difference or not is debatable. Clerics are still the #1 customer for Spirit healers in party play.
I am going to refrain from translating posts related to class balancing from now, as I was told that a NCsoft rep stated there's a major patch coming around Christmas for all classes (can't find that interview however). We'll have to wait and see.
2. BUG和漏洞 Bugs and Exploits
Aion servers seem to be fairly stable for a game that just launched. Other than evil surprise maintenances, (which Blizzard is also known to have after a major update) and unannounced restarts, servers haven't experienced major crashes. There has been no reports of a serious exploit (item dupping, etc) Macro skill exploits were patched almost immediately after they were reported by players.
However, NCsoft failed to address the "jumpshot" bug. (Perhaps they are letting rangers use it for now so that they are not total nubs until a real balance patch comes out?) There's still debate going on about if NCsoft even wants to fix this or not. For now, Rangers will just have to keep hopping.
Melee classes cannot land ANY of their skills in mid air on a moving enemy. This issue was reported from the day 1 of introduction of abyss flight pvp. NCsoft has yet to respond to this problem.
Despite their energetic announcements (twice), NCsoft has made zero visible progress in terms of bot problems.
This is something Korean players voiced very strongly about since the day 1 of retail.
Bot complaints were lessened when NCsoft announced that they'll crack down bots, as many players took "wait and see" stance. However, seeing that nothing is being done (still seeing same bots in same areas), Korean players are protesting now more loudly than ever, desperately trying to persuade NCsoft from letting Aion die from bots like Rohan (a MMO that landed in Korea but failed with a massive botfest).
ps. There's a player's post about bots that I thought was a good point. I am not sure if I should translate it or not since the writer uses WoW as a comparison : P Let me know if you guys wanna hear what he's saying.作者: saggitas 时间: 2-22-2010 20:23 标题: 【11593327】 回复说: 观望态度 盛大一向读一WG态度都是 一边爱抚没用挂的 说要抓挂